Monday, August 21, 2006

"A Good Hurt"

Well here is another picture of our precious little baby boy. We had the 4D ultrasound done on Friday and came away with several pictures and a DVD video of the session. In case you can't tell, this is Cooper's face. You can see his eyes, nose, mouth and little chubby cheeks. (The tech said they were really chubby.) I think he looks to have T's nose! Yea!

Anyway, I just wanted to share this picture with y'all. It's amazing that this little baby is growing in my belly with only a few more months before he will be introduced to the world.

I wanted to make one more comment. The title of this blog is "A Good Hurt" and I can thank our worship leader for this. Last night at church I evidently had a look of "I'm in pain" when Cody walked in the door. He laughed at my posture and facial expression and I said, "I hurt." He directly followed with, "It's a good hurt though." For some reason that really made me stop and think. It's not just a good hurt; it's an amazing, wonderful, exciting, blessing of a hurt. I am thankful for these pregnancy pains because it means that we have a baby on the way. A baby that the Lord has graciously blessed us with. A baby that He is knitting daily. A baby only He knows everything about. Even if I have to endure some irritating back pain and what not, it's all worth it. The Lord is teaching me and growing me through this and that makes me excited and honored. I'm just excited about the three months to come and I'm so ready for November to be here so we can meet our long-legged son. The Lord is amazing and I am so incredibly thankful for how He works and for what he's doing in our lives and within our family.
