Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Cooper's Glasses

PREGNANCY UPDATE: They have put me on bed rest for at least a week as of today. I was having severe pains in the center of my belly accompanied by a tremendous amount of pressure. They did a non-stress test on the baby and verified that it is a very active baby and all looked well through the test. There were no concerns of being in preterm labor or anything; she just wants me to take it easy so as to not push it I guess. I think there is also added concern because I delivered Cooper preterm. I go back next Thursday to find out if another week is needed. This will be interesting because T is traveling and I don't exactly know how to do bed rest with a 2 year old by myself. Your prayers are greatly appreciated.

pregnancy week by week


Kenny and Megan said...

What a cutie!!!!! I just love it! And, as a kid who received her first pair of glasses very young, I can totally relate!

I will be praying for you this week...what a challenge! I know that you will do a wonderful job, though!

Love and miss you,

Anonymous said...

Awww what a handsome little fella! I can't wait to get to hang out with him today! :) If you need any help while T is gone please call me.


Unknown said...

Rebecca I had no idea y'all were pregnant again!!! Congratulations! I can't believe how big cooper is getting... such a cutie pie!!!!