Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dr. Visit - 26 Weeks

Update: I got the call today that I did in fact fail my glucose test. Boo!!! Anything over 139 is considered high, and my number was 148, so it wasn't too bad. I go back for the big bad 3-hour test next Wednesday. I'll let you know what happens. I'm going to keep hoping and praying for a passing score.

Today I had a check-up at the doctor, which included my 1-hour glucose test. I am happy to report that I did not gain any weight this past month, the baby's heart rate sounded great at about 143 bpm, and my belly measured right on track at about 26 cm. The glucose test was very bearable. I must say the drink seemed way bigger than it did last time, but it didn't taste horrible at all. Cooper was at a friend's house, so he didn'
t have to sit through the wait...and I didn't have to chase him during the wait - so that was nice. I have high hopes for this test to come back with good results. I've been working really hard to eat well (and in moderation) and exercise every day to try and get around the diabetes this time. I'm praying for good news.

On another note, Cooper and I are currently both s
ick. I think mine is mainly allergy related. His started as allergies I think, and then turned into breathing issues. I took him to the doctor yesterday and they sent us home with a nebulizer and two different breathing medications for it. They also gave him an oral steroid to help him heal faster. It was a slightly stressful day yesterday since I'm sick as well (and hormonal and pregnant) and T. is at camp evaluations. So, prayers would be welcomed.

And I'm including a picture of Cooper on the potty...we aren't really trying to do the potty training right now. We're just trying to make him aware of it and let him get use to it.

Cooper getting familiar with the potty.

Cooper having one of his breathing treatments.