Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Some Encouragement

Well, Cooper went to the Eye Doctor today for a check-up on his lazy eyes. A month ago she had instructed us to make him wear a patch, alternating eyes, for an hour a day for a month. Well, as you know, life got a little crazy, T. and I got sick, etc., etc. Therefore, he only wore it for 2 weeks or so. Now, the doctor was very understanding about this and was very pleased with his progress even though. She wants us to make him wear it as much as possible for a while longer to continue to strengthen his eye muscles. The main thing about this visit was this, she said he made "tremendous progress" and she knew he would only get stronger. How amazing to hear that from a doctor! Not that I rest in what they say, but there have been so many negative attitudes lately - it was just nice to hear one say "good job."

I told her that I appreciated her encouragement and her response was, "Well, not only do I know you need to hear it, but his improvements warrant it." That was nice too...thanks doc! She definitely has a wonderful bedside manner and understands that we have feelings and needs too.

Cooper also got his picture taken with the Easter Bunny today...of course he was all smiles right up to the point that I put him in the Bunny's arms...little stinker. Here's the final picture.